(Aug 2008 - Jan 2013)
I worked for Amazon Japan for 4 and half years. There were too many projects and programs that I was involved to list them all. Here are some highlights from that time.
Vender Graphic Guideline
Creative requests from business teams had drastically increased every year due to category expansions and sales growth in different locales. It was becoming challenging for our team to be able to handle all the requests for banner creation. As the business team started outsourcing for those small creatives, we established Vender Graphic Guidelines and I was fully responsible for the Japan locale.
I worked closely with the design leads in other locales to maintain visual consistency globally. I also worked with Amazon Japan teams in order to create guidelines that followed Japan-specific legal/business regulations.
The challenge was to make the guideline as simple as possible for outsourced designers to understand and follow without any confusion. The strategy for this was to create the guideline itself as a branding tool that visually represents Amazon’s culture, not describing everything in lots of words. Graphic Guideline Example Pages
Promotional graphic AB testing
I had a monthly liaison meetings with business teams from and discussed how to achieve the best performance on promotional graphics.
Our team usually provided two design options and the business team launched an AB test. We performed comparative analysis by sharing the test results.
Test Graphic Examples
Seasonal Styleguide
Some of Amazon's seasonal sales events use illustration to add a special look and feel to the site. I was responsible for creating the illustrations and some of the Seasonal Styleguides. These establish rules for illustration and font usage along with providing graphic examples. The designers at Amazon follow these guidelines to maintain visual consistency throughout the site.
Spring Styleguide 2012
Research & Pitch
Japan Specific Guidelines - New Years
Tohoku Disaster Relief
The earthquake and tsunami that hit northern Japan in March 11th, 2011. I was so honored to be heavily involved in the design and business perspective.
Disaster Relief Home Page (left) and Donation Page (right)
I was involved in the decisions on the page experiences.