Zulily - Product Details
(Jun 2018 - Jun 2019)
CMS Hybrid PDP
Zulily spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a week in ads that drive users to the Product Details page (PDP), but the bounce rate is high.
Project goal: Test a 'hybrid' version of the Contents Management System (CMS) landing page that features a subset of the Product Details page in a section at the top, so we can use it as the landing page for our ads that focus on specific products.
UX highlight: In addition to creating a subset of Product Details page, I introduced a small YMAL (“you may also like” module) at the very top of the section in order to provide customers more similar products right away.
The test results were significantly positive. (Chance of purchase conversion = +13.57% / chance of activation = +14.19%).
Learning from Wayfair CX
Wayfair has the canonical example of this type of implementation.
Learning from their CX flow, we roughly decided the PDP subset on our CMS lading page should feature the following:
Top YMAL - Showing up to 12 relevant items from matching merch hierarchy. Those items are not reloaded when refreshed.
Consolidated display for key product details - Price in large font size. Price, product name and brand name are placed above image for mWeb.
Size chart dropdown - The collapsed display can save real estate and bring Browse section up higher.
Full detail link - Links to the regular PDP
Alt image carousel indicator - Simplifies the look instead of showing image thumbnails on the main product image.
Browse section - Shows more relevant items from matching merch hierarchy with filter and sort functionality.
Sketches for Desktop
Option 1 - 1 product with YMAL on top
Option 2 - 3 products with YMAL on top
Option 3 - Product list
Option 1: 1 product - YMAL on top
Option 2: 1 product - YMAL - dropdown details
Option 3: swiping multiple products - dropdown details
Option 4: swiping multiple products - favorites at top
Final Design
PDP Optimization UX
(Jan 2019 - May 2019)
The Product Detail page (PDP) is the primary place in the conversion funnel where customers evaluate the product and make a purchase decision. This page hasn't been updated since 2015. The design on CMS Hybrid pages associated with Google acquisition campaigns has produced positive results (previous page). We brought the Hybrid design to feature parody with the current PDP to see the impact form the design on the primary site.
Project goal: Test to see if using the Hybrid CMS page design for the regular PDP on Apps, mWeb and Desktop would improve conversion and activation.
UX highlights: I revamped the dropdown size selection UX by adding more functionalities such as notify me, email subscription and no size/multiple sizes treatments.
The project was discontinued due to the results from both test 1 and test 2 showing a negative effect on demand. No test was done for App.
2 Main Page Experiences for Testing
We tested twice based on those 2 UIs: Control (current experience) vs. Hybrid (based on CMS Hybrid landing page)
Key Features:
Size dropdown with Notify Me (remind me later functionality)
Direct-sales info (price, name, product image, etc) is placed at the top of the page
Product Description dropdown
Browse section to show more similar items
Control - mWeb
Control - Desktop
Hybrid - mWeb
Hybrid - Desktop
“Notify Me” Functionality
for PDP Optimization Testing
When an item or a size that you are looking for is not available, you can set a reminder and Zulily lets you know when it is back in stock by an email/FB push notification. We added this feature into the size select dropdown/sheet for customers to be able to know which size is out of stock and set a Notify Me reminder if they want.
The current mWeb and Desktop uses buttons for size selection on a Product Details page. Also, the experience of size dropdown for the CMS Hybrid is using a pre-built dropdown that cannot add Notify Me functionality. For the PDP Optimization tests I revisited the size selecting experience on App, which already includes a Notify Me function, and created a site version of it.
User Stories
Case 1: I am subscribing to Zulily Email
If my product has no size selection :
I click/tap “notify me” button to set a reminder. I would like Zulily to send me an email when the item is back on site. I may also want to get a push notification on my phone.
If the product has size selection:
When I open a size dropdown/sheet, and if the size that I’m looking for is not available, I like to see a button or link right next to the size to set a reminder. I would like Zulily to send me an email when the size becomes available on site. I may also want to get a push notification on my phone.
Case 2: I am NOT subscribing to Zulily Email
If I still do not want to subscribe to Zulily Email,
I still want to save the product information in my Waitlist.
If I decide to subscribe to Zulily Email to get notified,
I like to start subscribing to Zulily Email right away without leaving where I am on site.
Site - Notify Me UX Flow
Case 1: email is subscribed
Case 2: email is NOT subscribed
UAT/UI check for Testing
Site banner
UI - it’s responsive
Smart-pay message
UI - ribbon aligns to the rest of the contents at any break points
UI - text always stays within the ribbon area if there is a price range
Main image section
UI - 1px #d7d7d7 border
mWeb - when tapping into, the image blows up in another window
desktop - when clicking into, the image blows up on black backdrop (50%) opacity
video shows the first
Size select dropdown
UI - RTS spacing
UI - error state
UI - line spacing
once selecting a size or setting Notify Me, sheet and dropdown is dismissed
Notify Me
If email subscription is set,
no size
mWeb - notify me CTA -> reminder set popup on backdrop -> continue shopping CTA + message below it
desktop - notify me CTA -> (should we have reminder set popup?) -> continue shopping CTA + message below it
multiple sizes
mWeb - set Notify Me in size sheet -> reminder set popup on backdrop -> continue shopping CTA + message below it
desktop - set Notify Me in size dropdown -> (should we have reminder set popup?) -> continue shopping CTA + message below it
If email subscription is not set,
set Notify Me on CTA (no size) or in size sheet/dropdown (multiple sizes) -> Uh Oh! message for email subscription
If selecting “no”, the size is added to Waitlist and message shows up below continue shopping CTA, but no email notification will be sent
If selecting “yes”, the size is added to Waitlist and message shows up below continue shopping CTA. Great! message with contact preferences link shows up on backdrop. Email notification is set on Email Preference and notify email will be sent when the item is back in stock.
What happens when refreshing PDP after setting Notify Me?
All gone experience for multiple sizes - continue shopping CTA + size dropdown
add to cart is primary purple
notify me is secondary gray
continue shopping is secondary gray
Size Chart
mWeb - another window opens
desktop - pop up window
Favoriting Heart
UI - locates in appropriate area for mWeb and desktop
Adds an item to My Favorites
Other Colors
UI - white background with 1px lines above and below
UI - a thumb nail image has #d7d7d7 border
UI - 1px lines above and below
all the color selections are displays on both mWeb and desktop
when selecting a color, only the main PDP area changes. YMAL and Browse sections don’t change.
Details section
copy - “Details, Returns & Shipping”
UI - 1px lines above and below
UI - 2 text lines max for product details
When clicking see more, drop down shows all the details and the link changes to ^ see less
all the sharing tools function
sort for mWeb
Best Seller is default
UI - 1px lines #d7d7d7