Zulily - Cart
(Oct 2019 - Dec 2019)
Cart UX Revisit & Research
The goal is to revisit the current cart experience on all the platforms, to find customer pain points that could be fixed and to revamp the UX for 2020. I monitored my cart for 5 days to understand the current experience. I found that there are several issues that need to be addressed immediately and some UX findings that we need to discuss for better solutions.
Research & Findings
Cart Communicating Updates
After studying the current cart experience (above) and working in parallel with the dev team for the iterations on the backend, I fist decided to re-build the UX for customer communication for any cart product updates such as unavailable item, price updating, etc. I gathered all the cases of unexpected updates for a product in cart and created a better UX messaging flow.
This is planning to launch in Q1 2020.
Current UX for Customer Communication in Cart - Research & Study
User Flow
6 Communicating Cases
After understanding current behaviors, I came up with these 6 essential cases for notifying the customer in cart:
Case 1: Item is out of stock - The item is completely unavailable for any size if it has sizes.
Case 2: Size is out of stock - The size the customer requested is unavailable. Other sizes are available.
Case 3: Requested quantity is not available - e.g. the customer requested 3 units, but Zulily only has 2 units available.
Case 4: No longer Ready to Ship (RTS) - The item will longer ship out faster as an RTS item.
Case 5: Price increased
Case 6: Price decreased
UX Option 1: Sheet Version
UX Option 2: In-line Version
If an item or a size is unavailable, it is auto-moved to Saved Items. That means "Where did my stuff go?" section in Cart will be terminated.
If QTY is only partially available, it is auto-adjusted to an available QTY.
If the customer tries to proceed to checkout without receiving the most updated message, they need to be notified by the error message in Cart. (Price change may not be the case)